Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Final dq business

Final dq business

Q This discussion board is devoted to final commentary, so vent away, voice your concerns, your lack of concern, etc. Talk about your experience in this class and your relationship with business management, either in this course or in general. Congratulations on completing the course! I hope you have enjoyed our time together over the last 15 modules.

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15 modules phew! I actually cannot believe that all this time flew by so fast and we are already in the final week. I have had a wonderful time during the course and found so many interesting concepts to learn and skills to imbibe, that I feel that this course has done complete justice to itself. I have not only met a wonderful professor who has constantly guided all of us and motivated us towards learning and excellence, but also some wonderful friends and interesting learning materials, all of which has contributed towards an overall development for me.